Hable con nosotros: Whether it be a question about our inspectors credentials, our rack inspection process or just for a general chat about your site/s. Nos encantaría saber de usted.

Storage System Types: (check all that apply)
& Nbsp;Adjustable Pallet Racking& Nbsp;Shelving& Nbsp;Multi-tier Shelving& Nbsp;Mezzanine Flooring& Nbsp;Cantilever Racking& Nbsp;Otro

Temperature Environment: (check all that apply)
& Nbsp;Ambient& Nbsp;Chiller& Nbsp;Freezer

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For general queries on anything Rack Group related please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Por teléfono:
8am - 17:30 de lunes a jueves
8soy – 5.00pm Viernes
Oficina: +44 (0) 1226 784 488
Fax: +44 (0) 1226 784 499

Por correo electrónico: info@therackgroup.com
Rack Group Ltd, Unidad 3, Shawfield carretera, Carlton Industrial Estate, Barnsley, S71 3HS, Reino Unido